To this day SEAGER has collaborated with the following artists:

Bob Bicknell-Knight, Amba Sayal-Bennet,Jo McGarry, Nancy Singh, Dohyun Baek, Paul Chapellier, Atari Kuggah, Diyano Purvardi, Ze Aya, Liz Calvi, Pippa Eason, Ceel Mogami de Haas, Gray Wielebinski, Evi Kalogiropoulou, Samuel Capps, Sofia Albina Novikoff Unger

if you are interested in acquiring the works of these artists, please contact us at

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Our team specialises in our catalogue of artists and artworks. They will assist you in finding artworks that match your style, space and budget, while also introducing you to emerging artists, the most recent art trends, and our most popular works.

Discover something you love

Contact us for a personalised consultation with our curator. They will discuss your needs and carefully assemble a collection tailored to your preferences.

Something to fit your space

After discussing your preferences, we will present you with a collection of artworks to fit your budget, space, and style.

Looking for something specific?

Our curator will compile a list of artists according to your requirements. Once you’ve chosen your favourite, they will take care of arranging the commission on your behalf.

Unhappy? Receive a full refund

If you are dissatisfied with your artwork, return it within 14 days to receive a full refund. We will find you a new piece to fill your house with joy.

This service is for budgets of over £750. A £200 deposit is required for this service.